Jumat, 30 Juli 2010


  1. ENENG SURYANI 75 80 90 79 80.6 A
  2. FAIZ AHMAD 80 80 78 65 73.6 C
  3. FATIMAH ANGSE 55 - 57 55 - -
  4. GITA SONIA 85 80 90 82 83.8 A
  5. HAMDI AZHAR 81 82 65 74 75.2 B
  6. KAPITAN AHMAD 55 - 59 55 - -
  7. RAIHAN RADHAH ELWARDAH 87 80 90 88 86.6 A
  8. RIMA RIZQIAH 85 81 90 90 87.2 A
  9. SITI MARLINA 77 82 90 77 80.6 A
  10. SUHAIBAH FAKRO 55 - 57 55 - -

  1. ABDUL AZIS 73 85 69 72 74.2 C
  2. ADENG NURFALAH 71 80 78 73 75 B
  3. AGGI PERMANA 73 - 69 60 - -
  4. AHMAD MUKHLISH 71 80 69 78 75.2 B
  5. AHMAD MUNAJAT 79 82 80 67 75 B
  6. AJI SUSENO 76 81 78 70 75 B
  7. ASEP MULYADI 78 - 61 - - -
  8. DEDE MARYA SHALIHA 85 81 84 78 81.2 A
  9. DEDE SAMSULOH 73 78 78 73 75 B
  10. DERI RIDWANULLAH 66 - 63 - - -
  11. DINI SAFITRI 84 81 90 85 85 A
  12. ERIYANA JAHROH 76 80 87 80 80.6 A
  13. FACHRURIZAL 85 80 67 79 78 B
  14. FARHANUDIN 74 80 81 70 75 B
  15. FIFI AFIFAH 73 80 90 70 76.6 B
  16. HADIATULLAH 73 70 59 70 68.4 C
  17. HASANATUL HAYAH 77 80 87 75 78.8 B
  18. HASANUDIN 55 81 78 75 72.8 C
  19. JAFAR SHADIQ 55 85 75 - - -
  20. JALALUDIN 76 80 78 74 76.4 B
  21. LAILA SYA'DIAH 80 82 84 73 78.4 B
  22. M. FAUZI MUHARROM 73 70 65 60 65.6 C
  23. MAHARANI 77 82 84 74 78.2 B
  24. MUHAMAD SAHAL 75 80 76 72 75 B
  25. MUHAMMAD TUHDI 73 80 69 70 72.4 C
  26. MUSAFFA PUTRA SUGEMA 71 82 65 68 70.8 C
  27. NENI SUMIATI 75 82 75 78 77.6 B
  28. NENNY SUHERNI 75 80 65 75 74 C
  29. NINA IKLINA 83 - 81 75 - -
  30. NISA LUTFI ARGOBI 76 81 90 70 77.4 B
  31. NURUL SITI NUR'ARAFAH 80 80 67 70 73.4 C
  32. RIAN AMUR 73 78 87 70 75.6 B
  33. RIDWAN ABDULLAH 66 70 61 65 65.4 C
  34. RISMA HARYANI 83 81 81 85 83 A
  35. ROMLA BELI 73 80 78 67 73 C
  36. ROSIDIN 69 - 69 67 - -
  37. SITI HABIBATUL MUWAHIDAH M. 73 80 63 74 72.8 C
  38. SITI ZAKIAH 86 85 90 85 86.2 A
  39. SUBHAN HADI 81 81 69 67 73 C
  40. SUMINAR 71 80 72 76 75 B
  41. SUPRIANA 73 80 63 77 74 C
  42. UMMIL FAUZIAH 76 80 84 72 76.8 B
  43. VEPI FATMAYANTI 73 80 78 70 74.2 C
  44. YETI SUSANTI 77 80 81 79 79.2 B
  45. ZH. RATNASARI 84 83 90 76 81.8 A

Nilai Pertama : Tugas Mandiri (Nilai Harian)
Kedua : Tugas Berstruktur/Akhir
Ketiga : Mid-Semester (Kehadiran)
Keempat : UAS

Bagi yang NILAI AKHIR/HURUF MUTU nya tidak tercantum, harap menghubungi dosen yang bersangkutan.

Rabu, 28 April 2010

The CD Boy

A boy walked into a CD store and saw a girl behind the counter. She smiled and he thought it was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen before and wanted to kiss her right there.
He said "Uh... Yeah... Umm... I would like to buy a CD." He picked one out and gave her money for it.
"Would you like me to wrap it for you?" she asked, smiling her cute smile again. He nodded and she went to the back. She came back with the wrapped CD and gave it to him. He took it and walked out of the store.
He went home and from then on, he went to that store everyday and bought a CD, and she wrapped it for him. He took the CD home and put it in his closet. He was still too shy to ask her out and he really wanted to but he couldn't. His mother found out about this and told him to just ask her.
So the next day, he took all his courage and went to the store. He bought a CD like he did everyday and once again she went to the back of the store and came back with it wrapped. He took it and when she wasn't looking, he left his phone number on the desk and ran out...
The mother picked up the phone and said, "Hello?"
It was the girl!!! She asked for the boy and the mother started to cry and said, "You don't
know? He passed away yesterday..." The line was quiet except for the cries of the boy's mother.
Later in the day. The mother went into the boy's room because she wanted to remember him. She thought she
would start by looking at his clothes. So she opened the closet. She was face to face with piles and piles and piles of unopened CDs. She was surprised to find all those CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one.
Inside, there was a CD and as she took it out of the wrapper, out fell a piece of paper. The
mother picked it up and started to read it.
It said: Hi... I think you are really cute. Do you wanna go out with me? Love, Jacelyn
The mother opened another CD...
Again there was a piece of paper. It said: Hi... I think you are really cute. Do you wanna go out
with me? Love, Jacelyn

Fluffy Bunny Rabbit

After a long day at the office, Chris came home one day to find his dog with the neighbor's pet rabbit in his mouth. The rabbit was obviously dead.
Chris panicked!
"If my neighbors find out my dog killed their bunny, they'll hate me forever," he thought.
So he took the dirty, chewed up rabbit into the house, gave it a bath and blow-dried its fur.
Chris knew his neighbors kept their backdoor open during the summer, so he sneaked inside and put the bunny back into the cage, hoping his neighbors would think it died of natural causes.
A couple of days later Chris and his neighbor saw each other outside.
"Did you hear that Fluffy died?" the neighbor asked.
"Oh. Uhmm... Sorry to hear that. What happened?" Chris mumbled.
The neighbor replied, "We just found him dead in his cage one day. But the strange thing is that the day after we buried him, we went out to dinner and someone must have dug him up, gave him a bath and put him back into the cage!"

Minggu, 28 Februari 2010



Nama Md T M A P HM
  1. AAH ABD. KARIM 65 55 58 62 60.4 D
  2. ABDULLAH SAWAKA 65 55 64 63 62 D
  3. AI AISYAH 70 86 64 73 73.2 C
  4. AI RAHMAH ZAKIYAH 79 90 64 78 77.8 B
  5. ALI ZAENAL ABIDIN 55 55 55 61 57.4 E
  6. ANDIANSYAH AL-HADDAD 75 77 80 74 76 B
  7. APEN SUHERMAN 73 90 64 71 73.8 C
  8. ASMA MUSLIMAH 73 86 67 68 72.4 C
  9. AWALUDIN 55 55 61 65 60.2 D
  10. DEDEN AMARUDIN 65 55 58 63 60.8 D
  11. DUDUNG 70 71 58 60 63.8 D
  12. EKA ARISKA 70 80 67 76 73.8 C
  13. ENDANG JAELANI 61 55 58 63 60 D
  14. EVA FATMALASARI 80 90 90 76 82.4 A
  15. FURQON 70 55 58 60 60.6 D
  16. HERNA HERLINA 78 90 85 78 81.8 A
  17. IMAS MASMILAH 73 74 61 66 68 C
  18. IMAS SUKMARA SARI 85 83 80 84 83.2 A
  19. JAFAR SIDIK 60 83 61 57 63.6 D
  20. LILIH KHOLILAH 75 90 80 68 76.2 B
  21. M. ISMATULLAH 69 55 70 66 65.2 C
  22. NENG ELIDA 72 86 70 61 70 C
  23. NENG WARDAH ULFAH 55 55 55 61 57.4 E
  24. RANDI NURHIDAYAT 66 65 64 62 63.8 D
  25. RANI NURDIANI 85 55 61 84 73.8 C
  26. RIDWAN ARIFIN 61 55 58 63 60 D
  27. ROSIDAH 77 86 70 73 75.8 B
  28. RUSMAN N. 60 55 61 62 60 D
  29. SITI NUR ASIAH 82 83 75 77 78.8 B
  30. SITI NURHAYATI 80 80 75 78 78.2 B
  31. SITI NURKAMILAH 78 80 70 65 71.6 C
  32. SUPARMAN 55 55 58 66 60 D
  33. SUPIAH 71 86 64 73 73.4 C
  34. SUPYADI 69 83 67 60 67.8 C
  35. U. ZAENAL MUTAQIN 79 62 70 63 67.4 C
  36. YULISTA SAPUTRI 70 80 67 62 68.2 C

Md = Nilai Tugas Mandiri
T = Nilai Tugas Berstruktur
M = Nilai Tengah Semester / Kehadiran
A = Nilai UAS
P = Nilai Satuan Mata Kuliah
HM = Huruf Mutu

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010



  1. ENENG SURYANI 75 80 78 73 75.8 B
  2. FAIZ AHMAD 75 81 79 78 78.2 B
  3. FATIMAH ANGSE 75 70 71 76 73.6 C
  4. GITA SONIA 77 81 80 83 80.8 A
  5. HAMDI AZHAR 75 75 75 82 77.8 B
  6. JUMADI 60 60 60 66 62.4 D
  7. KAPITAN AHMAD 60 60 60 60 60 D
  8. NISA LUTFI ARGOBI 80 80 77 70 75.4 B
  9. RIMA RIZQIAH 85 87 85 87 86.2 A
  10. SITI MARLINA 75 80 75 82 78.8 B
  11. SUHAIBAH FAKRO 70 68 70 67 68.4 C
  12. WAISAH ALOR 70 67 68 66 67.4 C

Nilai Pertama: Nilai Tugas Mandiri
Nilai Kedua: Nilai Tugas Berstruktur
Nilai Ketiga: Nilai Mid Semester
Nilai Keempat: Nilai UAS
Nilai Kelima: Nilai Satuan Mata Kuliah
Nilai Keenam: Huruf Mutu


  1. ABDUL AZIS 65 67 70 64 66 C
  2. ADENG NURFALAH 75 78 72 72 73.8 C
  3. AGGI PERMANA 67 67 75 66 68.2 C
  4. AHMAD MUKHLISH 65 68 66 73 69 C
  5. AHMAD MUNAJAT 70 66 62 71 68 C
  6. AJI SUSENO 71 74 80 75 75 B
  7. ASEP MULYADI 64 62 64 64 63.6 D
  8. DEDE MARYA SHALIHA 84 86 85 87 85.8 A
  9. DEDE SAMSULOH 75 78 78 79 77.8 B
  10. DERI RIDWANULLAH 70 67 70 66 67.8 C
  11. DINI SAFITRI 85 80 85 87 84.8 A
  12. ERIYANA JAHROH 75 77 76 79 77.2 B
  13. FACHRURIZAL 70 86 78 85 80.8 A
  14. FARHANUDIN 73 74 78 75 75 B
  15. FIFI AFIFAH 75 76 80 72 75 B
  16. HADIATULLAH 68 65 67 77 70.8 C
  17. HASANATUL HAYAH 75 77 79 73 75.4 B
  18. HASANUDIN 86 82 80 86 84 A
  19. JALALUDIN 74 77 78 76 76.2 B
  20. LAILA SYA'DIAH 76 78 80 74 76.4 B
  21. M. FAUZI MUHARROM 66 69 71 68 68.4 C
  22. MAHARANI 75 79 77 81 78.6 B
  23. MUHAMAD SAHAL 64 65 66 65 65 C
  24. MUHAMMAD SURUR 70 69 70 74 71.4 C
  25. MUHAMMAD TUHDI 65 68 75 65 67.6 C
  26. MUSAFFA PUTRA SUGEMA 64 65 70 66 66.2 C
  27. NENI SUMIATI 76 78 77 76 76.6 B
  28. NENNY SUHERNI 74 72 71 76 73.8 C
  29. NINA IKLINA 82 85 83 80 82 A
  30. NURUL SITI NUR'ARAFAH 75 77 78 81 78.4 B
  31. RAIHAN RADHAH ELWARDAH 75 88 85 86 84 A
  32. RIAN AMUR 70 77 80 74 75 B
  33. RIDWAN ABDULLAH 60 61 63 62 61.8 D
  34. RISMA HARYANI 75 81 80 88 82.4 A
  35. ROMLA BELI 76 77 75 70 73.6 C
  36. ROSIDIN 73 74 79 76 75.6 B
  37. SITI HABIBATUL MUWAHIDAH M. 80 76 75 75 76.2 B
  38. SITI ZAKIAH 85 87 86 86 86 A
  39. SUBHAN HADI 68 71 70 72 70.6 C
  40. SUMINAR 78 77 76 79 77.8 B
  41. SUPRIANA 72 67 70 68 69 C
  42. UMMIL FAUZIAH 70 73 71 72 71.6 C
  43. VEPI FATMAYANTI 77 78 80 74 76.6 B
  44. YAYU SOLIHAH 76 74 73 72 73.4 C
  45. YETI SUSANTI 80 74 76 75 76 B
  46. ZH. RATNASARI 78 74 73 75 75 B